Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My demon turned 2

toddler with toy truck (Photo from last week's B-day party)
Christopher turned two-years-old today. It's hard to believe he is both so old and that it was only slightly more than two years ago that I actually had some control of what I do. It's a good thing he's a cutie because he has been on a tear lately -- jumping, throwing everything, kicking and even occasionally biting me for the fun of it.
I will soon be changing jobs, sort of. For more than the past year and a half I have been churning out 10 articles a week in what they term as a part-time position. This is in addition to writing some articles for the local paper and working a few hours a month for League of Illinois Bicyclists. A temporary part-time job opened up at the paper and I jumped at an excuse to quit the 10 articles a week. Of course, once the temp. position ends I'll probably have to try to scrounge up some additional income but I'm hoping to actually have a small amount of free-time instead of working every night 'til 1 or 2 in the morning. The other bad thing is I start the part-time job immediately but still have a week and a half to go before I quit doing two articles a day for the other publication. So, I will be an extremely stressed, tired and cranking camper until then.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Alterra race report

mountain bike climb(Image stolen from Mountaingoat)

I was hoping for a good race. And, it wasn't great but it wasn't horrible, so I guess it was good. Except for the one long climb in the sun up the ski hill, this is a great course for me. Not only is it technical, I've ridden these trails enough -- including several 12 hour races -- that I should know them by heart and know the places to let the expert and comp guys to squeak by. It would have been a "great" race except I had my chain come off three times, including once in the "Small Intestine" (I think that's the name of the trail) that just took me freakin' forever to get back on. Brittany passed me after I had worked so dang hard to get in front of her and the other girls I had been somewhat near were, of course, way gone. I also went, apparently, a little too hard my first lap. Avg. HR: 186, Max HR: 200. I took a Gu my second lap and thought I was going to puke. I started bonking, a little cramping. But, I made up the hill every time and I did start catching up to April at the end. Without the heat (and playing with Christopher in the heat for an hour or so before the race), I think I could have at least come close to catching her. But, it was still a good race and I still love those trails.

With only a two-hour drive each way, a box full of toys, several books and a Sesame Street DVD, you would think I could have kept Christopher entertained. Nope. By the time we were almost home, I had told Tom we should have named him Damian after the character in "The Omen." It does not bode well for the trek to 24/9.

EDIT: I almost forgot to mention that I picked up my cross bike yesterday. I'm in love. It is so light and so cool looking. I also found out that I can get my mountain bike repainted at the end of the season. Yea! As long as I can get it the same beautiful color. = )

Friday, July 25, 2008

My son the "Hamster"

swing setHere's Christopher hamming it up for the camera on the new toddler swing set my parents bought him for his B-day.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Woo hoo!

The stars aligned and I decided to make the trek up north and do the Metro Wednesday race tonight. I have been really tired lately and considered blowing it off but I'm so glad I went. I have not been on my mountain bike nearly enough this year. I was kind of skittish starting out but soon got into a groove. I did the back section of singletrack when I first got there (O'Malley's Woods, I think) and then climbed up to the top of the ski hill. There were five girls that started, four that actually finished. I did two laps and then realized there was still at least one guy that still had to do another lap so I went out and did a third lap (women & juniors have to do two) and then went up to the top of the hill one more time.

The two hour drive home and the fact that I still have two articles to write blows but I'm still really happy that I went. I forgot how much I love that course. I'm actually excited to race Sunday and I get to pick up my new cross bike this weekend! Woo hoo! = )

Monday, July 21, 2008

Foiled, and foiled again

My plan was to do the 12-hour race at Crystal Ridge on Saturday. I've been pretty exhausted lately but I was still excited since (1) I love that course, (2) it would be a good warm-up for the WORS race this weekend and (3) it'd be a good warm-up for 24/9. I've only done one six-hour race this year and that would have been my only 12-hour race. Updates kept saying 50/50 chance. I get there to find a one-hour delay. By the time they cancelled it, I was glad. By then, I was in no mood to race. I did some shopping at the Wal-Mart in search of these Wal-Mart brand PB crackers we could only find north of the border but, apparently, they no longer make them. I did find a present for Christopher's birthday, a small backpack for commuting and a few other things so it wasn't all lost.

I got back home, took a nap (I had gotten up by 5 a.m.) and had plans to do a nice long ride on paved trails by my house to Old Plank Trail and possibly even trying to find how it hooks up with the I & M Canal Trail. I didn't get started 'til 4 p.m. and was at Central and Vollmer when I hear hissing coming from the back. I cross the street and turn around thinking Crap! because I suck at changing tires. I then realize the tube is sticking out of the tire. Double crap. I call Tom who comes out with a new rear tire. After sitting in the heat for 20+ minutes and learning our last tube is now on my rear wheel, I say screw it. We get my bike in the car, get home and I went with Tom & Christopher (with Tom pulling) for a long loop. A total of only about 2 hours.

Sunday was Christopher's 2nd birthday party at a local park. It was a little toasty but everyone seemed to have a good time. Christopher was running all over the place -- from the slides/swings area to the tennis courts, to the basketball court, to where people were sitting, etc. Last year, he didn't really enjoy his party so it was nice that he had so much fun this year. I have some pics but I have to still figure out how to post those. = )

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here we go...

After lurking and reading other people's blogs for more than a year, I finally created my own blog. I should actually thank Julie. I needed to sign on to post a comment and, when I went to change my profile to display "vegan" instead of my first name, I decided to take the plunge.

But, I do not have too much that's interesting for my first post. I commuted to a local village board meeting. I had another person beep at me as if bikes are not allowed on the road -- mind you he was in the left lane of a two-laned street and I was in the right lane as far right as I could be. The people who pull out of parking lots, or turn at intersections, without looking for pedestrians or bikers really annoyed me this evening making me want to pound on some stupid lady's car.

I can't decide if I actually want to race at Crystal Ridge on Saturday or not. I hate muddy races but I hate even more the suspense of whether a race will go on. I almost just want it to rain so I know and can just sleep in -- of course, with a two-year-old who am I kidding about thinking I can sleep in? = )