Sunday, September 21, 2008


First cross race of the season.
Third race as a cat 3 -- Neither of the previous two went well
I had a terrible start -- I need to pay attention so I'm not chatting when the guy says go. But, I made it around three girls. Went back and forth with one. Knew she was going to try to sprint past me at the end. Held her off--barely. Looked down at my HR monitor right after I finished: 201.
I also beat a girl who I came behind every single race last year so that was pretty cool as well.
I ended up 9th out of 11. One of the girls stopped with only a few laps to go. I never understood why someone would suffer through most of a race and then just quit. But, of course, she could've quite likely had a mechanical.
And, of course, I was 9th out of all the cat. 1, cat. 2 and cat. 3 girls. About five of the girls were cat. 2's or higher so I'm pretty happy right now. Tom's going to look at my brakes and I need to work on my turns.

Tom did awesome. They split up the Cat. 4's into an A group and a B group. He raced B's last year and did the A's this time. He was 13 out of 53. Pretty awesome.

*Edit: The Chicago Cross Cup website now has me listed as 8th. One of the girls who had finished before me is now just not listed at all. I'm not sure why.

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