Monday, December 31, 2012
2012 stats
Miles ran: 1.3
Total races: 55 -- 10 mountain bike, 45 CX
Broken bones: ZERO
Number of rides with Christopher on single track: 1
2012 was a very hectic year but pretty good. = )
2011 numbers:
Miles ridden: 2,715
Miles ran: 148.7
Total races: 42 -- 1 road, 9 mountain bike, 32 CX
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Working, Racing & Race Planning
On Saturday, I helped out with a Bike & Dine in Lockport. I really wanted to just lay around. It's been hectic and I could kind of feel a cold coming on. But, it is hard to turn down an opportunity to get paid to ride my bike.
I didn't have any goals really for the race. I wanted to do well but knew that my body was probably more in need of a rest than a race. I started off okay, although not great. I did too many stupid little mistakes during the first lap. I had a sport woman right on my tail and Bev behind her and I have a tendency to ride like an idiot when I know people are right behind me. Bev passed me probably about half-way into the first lap. So, that meant I was dead last again. Very frustrating but oh well. I wanted to, at least, keep the sport lady behind me. I knew the second part of the lap was a little more technical and by the end of the lap I was feeling a little better.
The second lap I came across Rachael sitting on the side of the trail. I asked if she needed me to stop and she said no. I felt bad since she looked miserable. However, I then cleaned one little technical section which was a small victory and the volunteer said another woman was right ahead of me. I knew she was in the sport race and not mine but set a goal to catch her anyway. I passed her during the second part of the lap, a little before the Edge of the World trail.
Third lap, my legs kept feeling like they were going to cramp up. It held off until I crossed the finish line and stopped. Fifth place. I actually got a medal & $15. I also scored a pair of socks. I was definitely glad I went but am so glad and happy (yes, I know that is redundant) that I am not racing this weekend. However, I am taking Christopher on a mini-trip with us spending all day Saturday at Great America so I'm not sure how relaxing that will be.
I'm hoping things will calm down a bit in the immediate future. We had our final 2012 Palos Meltdown meeting yesterday evening. I'm going to try to get a media release done in the near future with some photos, talk about the equipment for trail building/maintenance that CAMBr will be able to get with the funds raised, the tentative 2013 date, etc. (Psst, you may want to keep July 21, 2013 open.) I have a project I have to finish up for LIB and then I'm just hoping to go a little time without any crises.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Race successes & missed goals
Final numbers are not in for what CAMBr raised from the event. There were a record number of entries as well as some raffle ticket sales and shirt sales but there were also county permit fees, porta potties, number plates, timing chips, food for volunteers, official fees, etc. Stan said funds will likely be used to buy equipment for trail building and maintenance, such as another motorized wheel barrow and something for berming the trails (I can't remember the exact wording as I spoke with him right before heading out for a ride). Some will also likely be used for lunches for volunteers during trail days.
This Saturday, I'll be leading a Bike & Dine in Lockport, which should be fun. On Sunday, I'll be heading to the Peoria area to race at Wildlife Prairie State Park. Eight-mile loops of mostly single-track, which should also be fun. The best part, though, will likely be the ability to just show up, ride some of the course, warm up and race and let someone else worry about all the other stuff. = )
Monday, July 23, 2012
Imagining a Well-Marked Course
Then, the race started and several sections of the course didn't have tape on them. I ended up going down one part the wrong way and then ended up riding back the way I had came. A volunteer starts yelling at me, I get turned around to do that portion a third time and then come to another volunteer that makes me stop -- stop -- for awhile because he just started and is not sure where the trail is. Things start going well and, then, another section that is not marked. I guess which way to go and then have someone tell me I'm not on the race course. I double back, look around and, it turns out that, yeah, I had been on the course. Since the other lady knew the race course, she obviously did not have those issues. Talk about a home court advantage.
That definitely tends to ruin your mental game for a race. I spoke to others after the race who, unfortunately, had similar experiences. It didn't help that, during my second lap, one of the volunteers starting yelling at me about the tape being down. Or, the fact that they were paying out for the guys but not the ladies. Or, that I remembered that last year they couldn't find the keys to open up the bathrooms. Ugh.
On a good note, I did get three hours of mountain biking in. They did have watermelon, cantaloupe and bananas for racers afterwards which was cool. And, apparently, they then had their act together for the other races. But, I'm not sure I could recommend this race to anyone.
And, on a better note, we did a little family bike ride to a park after I got home. I took photos of them playing at the park while I laid in the grass looking at the clouds and my dirty legs, which I had been too tired to wipe off. = )
Macomb had been a couple of weeks before. That race I would definitely recommend, even though it is a haul. They had a great course, it was marked well and the guy that runs it is super nice. When I finished, I was handed a cold Powerade. Betsy, Bev and I lined up and decided to just go off the same time as the sport ladies. I rode well the first lap and, then, just wasn't there mentally. Life sometimes sucks and that was one of those periods.
This coming up weekend, however, will be full of fun and smiles. = ) I can't believe my little guy is actually turning six a week from today. His party will be on Saturday and I'm still trying to think of something cool for us to do on Sunday.
Then, the Palos Meltdown is on Sunday, Aug. 5!!! I can't believe it is this soon! We still have a final committee meeting and the packet stuffing as well as final decisions on the course and marking it. I have to say, I will be breathing a big sigh of relief at the end of the day. Ben has been doing a great job as race director and I'm sure he'll need a beer, nap or both by the time it's over. I hope to see everyone there -- either racing, cheering people on or helping out.
Monday, June 11, 2012
A good day for the Kenny family (mostly)
This race always seems to have very hot weather but, at least, the trails would be dry this year. There is quite a bit of climbing but the trails are fun. You definitely have to stay on your toes, though, as there are quite a few switch backs and hair pin turns, sometimes when you least expect it. I knew there was going to be a low turnout for the women's expert race but I was also psyched. I've been training pretty consistently this year and have also been trying to improve my technical skills -- particularly, when it comes to turning and trying not to brake so much before log piles.
I had tried to find someone to carpool with and didn't have much luck. So, I decided to take advantage and planned on bringing a small cooler to keep up in front with stuff to eat/drink in the car and have a big cooler in the back. I had decided I wanted to fill my Camelbak bladder with ice but didn't want my Heed to get too diluted when the ice melted -- so, I made Heed popsicles. = )
I couldn't find our ice cube tray. I think Christopher had wanted to play with it at some point for some reason. So, I took his old juice cups with lids and filled a bunch of them half-way with Heed and put them in the freezer. I then put the frozen Heed in the bladder with some ice cubes and more Heed. I packed the cooler the night before with lots of ice packs, etc. and, I'm thrilled to report, that at the start of my race there were still some frozen parts in the bladder and I still had cold Heed to drink by the end of the race. It was somewhat of a hassle to do but it was definitely worth it.
I got there early enough to preride the course. I missed the turnoff for the sport/expert loop and just did the beginner lap. I figured that let me know most of the course and that I'd be doing the climbs in the sport/expert portion enough during the race anyway. I had switched stems last week -- trying an 80 mm with more rise. On Saturday, I rode and thought that I should switch back for the race. Well, preriding on Sunday with the 90mm stem felt really odd so I switched back again. A huge thanks to Tony Thaller who helped me get everything tight so I didn't kill myself during the race.
I spent some time sitting in the air conditioning in the car, put some Palos Meltdown fliers on cars, sat in the car again and warmed up. At this point, I knew it would just be Betsy and I. She had injured her arm pretty bad on a trip in the spring and had not been on the bike much. I thought I might have a chance to beat her but she is a speedy lady with awesome mountain biking skills and this was one of her home courses. Last year, she found out she had Lyme disease and was on drugs with bad side effects. She still beat me at Matthiessen even though she was feeling lousy. I had been totally psyched, at the time, to just have been ahead of her for half of the race.
I actually stayed in front of her the whole race. I would think I was safely ahead and then would either see her, hear her or would have someone tell me she was right behind me. I only finished a minute ahead of her, maybe even less than that. I'm still in awe that I was able to do it. I'm sure she'll be kicking my butt again soon but yesterday was definitely very, very cool.
As a bonus, I got another plastic cup! Now that I know they have a medal and $ in them, I was very happy to see it. = ) It is definitely an excellent idea to keep the medals/pay outs organized.
Worst part of the race, listening to the radio on the way there and having "Call Me Maybe" stuck in my head for most of the time. That was pretty horrible.
I know this weekend is the WORS CamRock race. I'm kind of sad I won't be able to go. But, a trip for a bike race is no where on the list of things Tom would like to do for Father's Day.
Speaking of Tom, he unfortunately now understands how crappy you can feel after spending too much time in the heat. Tom and Christopher got to the zoo early, on Sunday, to stake out a spot to watch the Kratts Brothers. They watched the show, waited in a very long line to get Martin Kratt's autograph and checked out some of the zoo. From what they told me, Christopher had a wonderful time. Tom -- not so much.
(Christopher and Martin Kratt)
Afterwards, we went to Tastee Freez to celebrate my win with a funnel cake for me, ice cream for Christopher and a shake for Tom. It was a long, but wonderful, day.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The course is mostly fun singletrack with a few climbs. Rachael and I were the only ones pre-registered. I knew we'd have a small field but did not realize that we would be the only expert ladies lining up. Besides wanting to do better than last year, I also wanted to stay ahead of the sport ladies. We're off, at the same time as the expert guys, and I'm excited that I'm actually mostly keeping up with Rachael. I slide back some and, then, slide out on one of the turns. I'm still at times over-thinking logs and turning, trying to remember the tips Alison Dunlap gave us at the clinic on Mother's Day, and the sliding out didn't help. I see Rachael finishing going through the grassy start/finish area as I am entering it.
I had my Garmin wrapped around a foam thing on my handlebars and it starts coming loose my second lap. I try fiddling with it while riding so I don't have to stop. I spend way too long doing that and realize that I have to stop or I will likely lose it or break it. Not thinking clearly, I stop in the middle of the trail. Oops. I apologize to the sport guy that comes up behind me and, then, crap. A sport girl passes me. I am determined not to finish behind a sport lady again so I kick it up a notch. As I'm in the double-track, a little before the field and start/finish, I'm still wondering how far back the sport girl is and see Rachael up ahead of me. So, I figure to see if I can pass her. I realize I won't be able to make it stick but I figure why not. I actually cross the line to start lap 3 ahead of her. She says "You realize we have another lap, right?" I did but my body apparently did not. = )
I kept trying to push it the third lap but it was definitely harder -- I used up quite a bit of energy with the second half of the second lap and it was really hot. Still, I rolled in for second place four minutes behind Rachael. She was having some stomach issues but is still one heck of a speedy lady and extremely talented rider. So, I finished close behind Rachael, kept the sport girls behind me and rode pretty well. And, I got handed a plastic cup as I got on the podium. I'm wondering what the heck kind of lame award is this; and, then realize it has $40 cash and a medal inside. Sweet!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Matthiessen Race
Yesterday was the Matthiessen race. I was excited for this race as I did well last year and enjoyed the trails -- although, there was definitely some climbing. I was able to carpool with Bob Anderson and we headed out a little before 9 a.m. so we could get there early enough to preride. I wanted to at least ride the beginner's loop to get a feel for trail conditions, etc.
Soon before we got there it started raining. It let up as we picked up our number plates and, then, started again. There had already been quite a bit of rain during the past week so I knew the trails were going to be muddy. I also knew that some of the steep climbs would likely be unrideable. I did an easy lap while the beginners race was going on, trying hard to stay out of racers' way. There was a little rooted section that I should not have had any issues with but was anyway. The trails were pretty wet and starting to get a little bit beat up. I knew that by the end of my race they would be even worse but, hopefully, not terrible.
I ended up eating a Clif Builder too close to the start and didn't really get in a good warm up but I knew that turnout would be light with the weather/trails conditions. There ended up being only two women's expert racers. They wanted to combine us with the sport group but I plan on doing most of the Illinois series and wanted to make sure I got series points. The other girl was also up for an extra lap so we started at the back of the expert guys. We were off and it was definitely like the start of a 4B CX race as there were build ups at each of the turns around the trees before you head into the single track. I got ahead of Moriah (the other lady) right before the single track. The pace was still a little slow but not so slow that I wanted to pass the guys. It was slick but not bad and fun. I could hear Moriah breathing behind me so I knew she was right on my tail but I was feeling pretty good.
And, that's how most of the race went. Moriah was far enough behind me for most of the race that I kept telling myself to go at a good pace but mainly focus on not crashing or doing anything stupid. On the second lap, we were told that they were going to cut out the river section for the rest of the race. I was kind of indifferent to whether it was in or not. It was definitely muddy and added another climb but it was also fun.
Going through the trees, starting my third lap, I chatted with Hemme and others and gave some high fives. It was muddy but I was definitely having a good time. Soon after entering the singletrack, I managed to run into the tree -- at the a sharp right turn with a tree to the left of the trail. As soon as I hit it, I remembered doing the exact same thing the year before. I was amused as well as slightly embarrassed.
A little further into the third lap, I heard Regina behind me, who was doing the sport race. She asked to pass and I rode behind her for most of the lap until the hike-a-bike climb. Being so short, I'm always at a disadvantage on those. I let some guys get around me and continued riding -- seeing Regina a little ahead of me and wanting to push it to catch up to her but telling myself to go steady and not do something stupid to crash, knowing Moriah was somewhere behind and that I still had another lap to go.
I came through the finish soon after Regina and they told me I was finished. I figured they thought I was doing the sport race and told them I still had another lap. They said they were stopping everyone and I argued with them, wanting to do the four laps. I can see their point in wanting to stop everyone but it had only been 1:44 and the shortened lap would have only added another 20-25 minutes. Oh well.
I did get a totally awesome trophy and $80, which was very cool. Bob, Dennis Schuller, Steve and his wife Cindy and I got food at Duffy's before heading back. Not entirely vegan-friendly but I was able to get a veggie sandwich and fries and definitely enjoyed the company.
Christopher was excited to see the trophy and Tom was kind enough to hose down my muddy bike that weighed a heck of a lot more than it had in the morning. The next ladies trail ride is this Saturday, which should be fun. And, on Sunday, I get to celebrate Mother's Day with a mountain bike clinic with Alison Dunlap!!!! I'm so excited. = )
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
First Ride/Race
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Niner Review & Bike Obsessions
Monday, January 23, 2012
End of year/CX season report
New Year's Eve & New Year's Day I did the CX races at Indian Lakes Resort. I was able to get out and preride on that Friday. A course that helps if you have a lot of power, which is something I do not have a lot of. On Saturday, the 3/4 race could have gone better. But, it could have gone worse as well. I was 9th out of 23. I then volunteered at a course crossing. I looked ridiculous but I mainly stayed warm and I got to watch the women's and men's elite races at the same time. = )
On New Year's Day, we had a much smaller turnout. There were only 12 starters for the Women's 3/4. I raced really well and took 4th. The only bad part was I mistakenly thought I was in 3rd so it was a bit disappointing to realize I missed the last podium step. However, I got another upgrade point!!! Woo hoo! Granted, not that I think I'm Cat. 2 caliber yet but I'm still pretty excited that I now have 2 points.
Tom & Christopher showed up after my race. I was able to see them, volunteer and watch some of the men's & women's elite races. Only Ellie and I were signed up for the Women's 2/3 race. We were able to just do a parade lap and she was nice enough to let me win. That was very fun. = )
Then, it was off to Madison for Nats. We got there Tuesday. I prerode the course and was in an excellent mood. The morning of the race was just too hectic -- as things can get when you have a five-year-old and spouse with you. I did a lot of stupid things -- such as forgetting to change shoes, or at least clean out my cleats, before the start. I kept unclipping at the start and was almost dead last by the time we hit dirt. I would gain some spots and then either slide out or have a mechanical. I ended up 12th out of 19 finishers/23 starters. Bleah. Since that was the B race, I had hoped to do better.
Friday (Jan. 7) was the 35-39 Nats race. There were some Cat. 3's but an awful lot of Cat. 1 and 2's so I was hoping to race well for me but not expecting to place well. I was 12th out of 16 finishers/18 starters and was mainly pleased with how it went. I seemed to keep being attracted to poles/stakes however and felt a lot like a pinball bouncing around the course. It took me forever to track down the gloves I tossed during the race but I then scored a six-pack of beer. It would have been better if I actually drank beer but that's okay.
Not quite a full week later and we were trekking down to Kentucky for Worlds. I was excited for the opportunity but also not very optimistic. There were barely any other Cat. 3's registered and I came down with some type of stomach bug Wednesday night, spent all day Thursday in bed and went 24 hours without eating. Luckily, I was almost back to 100% by Saturday morning. Since you had to pick up your number the day before your race, I had the opportunity to preride the course on Friday. Lots of frozen ruts in what would have otherwise been a power course. The officials did, unfortunately, take out a technical section that I could ride.
On the way home we stopped at the "Midwest's Largest McDonald's" which had an indoor tree-house playground. Christopher was a happy boy. We then stopped at another eating establishment before getting back on the highway so I could get a veggie burger and fries.
Last week was spent trying to catch up on various work projects. Sunday, I was able to try out a fat bike at 2Bici. My first time out I couldn't understand what all the hoopla was about. I came back tried the same section on my 29er and realized there were some perks. I went back out on the 15 Salsa Mukluk with the seat dropped more and forward and some air out of the tires. I liked it a lot more the second time around. I think I would definitely need a 13 or, more than likely, the XS 9:Zero:7. Unfortunately, a fat bike is not in the budget. I'm still trying to catch up on work stuff and have barely given much thought to 2012 except for realizing that my CX age will be 40.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Plowing Snow from Trails
Photo credit: Tom Cherry, Normal Parks Maintenance Supervisor |
Does your community remove the snow from your trails? If so, you are in a lucky minority. Many cyclists who use paved paths will be waiting for the warm weather to thaw the mixture of snow and trampled down ice.
The town of Normal decided, in September, to begin removing the snow from some of the area trails. “We have been receiving a lot of requests from trail users who use the trails in the winter months,” said Garry Little, director of parks and recreation.
Normal has about 13 miles of trail and just began clearing the snow from approximately five miles of the Constitution Trail, Little said. “We did trail counts at various locations to find out which segments of the trails were the most used for recreation and for access to schools,” he said. “Some portions of the trail are used as sidewalks to get to schools – elementary, high school and also Illinois State University – and, also, for people getting to places of employment, either uptown Normal or the University.”
The snow will not be removed from the trails until plowing of the streets has been completed and only during regular work hours, Little said. With a small amount of snow, a sweeper will usually be used. “We already sweep the trail a couple times a week,” he said.
Some other communities that remove snow from all or some of the trails include Cary, Chicago, Decatur, Oswego, Springfield and Urbana. The University of Illinois also removes snow from its paths. Madison County Transit will remove snow from trails in rare instances. “MCT does not remove snow from its bikeways, unless the bikeways are in the immediate area of the Park and Ride lots. Although most of our urban trails are asphalt, some of the rural trails are limestone screenings. Plowing limestone trails would damage or remove the surface of the trails,” managing director Jerry Kane said.
“Residents in the community use the trails for winter recreation and enjoyment that may include walking, running, and cross country skiing. It is important to us to maintain these resources for our residents,” said Katie Hughes of the Cary Park District, which removes the snow on the entire 5.5 miles of trails it maintains. “The type of equipment we use depends on how much is accumulated during a snowfall event. The vehicles and equipment in our fleet that are used to plow include a tractor with a snow blower, a John Deere gator with a plow, a skid steer with a plow, and a truck with a v-plow,” she said.
The Springfield Park District removes the snow from all of the district’s trails “because we still have people that walk on them and ride their bikes on them,” said Jason Graham, assistant superintendent of park maintenance for the Springfield Park District. The trails are wide enough to use a truck with a plow attached and the snow is removed from the trails once the park district in finished removing snow from the district’s parking lots, Graham said.
The Chicago Park District removes snow on trails they manage, such as the Major Taylor Trail and the Lakefront Trail, spokesperson Zvez Kubat said. “We remove the snow as often as possible just because there are so many people that use the Lakefront Trail and other trails,” she said. “We have a lot of runners and cyclists that use that trail year round.” Like many of the other communities that remove snow from trails, how Chicago removes the snow depends on how much snow there is. “For light snow, we attach a broom to one of our lawn mowers,” Kubat said. “If there are a couple of inches, a plow is attached to a smaller truck.”
In 2005, the Northeast Regional office of the Rails to Trails Conservancy did a survey of 100 rail-trails from across the country. Almost half of the trails were asphalt and, of those, only about one-third did snow removal.
Some communities may believe that the cost of removing the snow from trails would be too expensive. But, the cost may not be as prohibitive as you would think, particularly if no additional staff is needed.
Gary Little estimates that it will cost Normal an additional $3,500 a year for the trail snow removal, which includes the “cost for fuel, supplies, maintenance and repair of equipment.” The Friends of the Constitution Trail donated $8,500 for a snow blower attachment for the city’s Bobcat.
LIB urges trail-maintaining agencies to plow at least half of their trails’ width, benefiting both those who want a clear surface and those who prefer the snow (e.g., cross-country skiers). Priority should be given to the most popular trails and to trails lacking bike-friendly road alternatives for transportation.
This article was originally published in the quarterly Winter 2012 issue of Illinois Bicyclist.