I did my last batch of phone calls this morning for LIB's Train the Trainer classes. Whew. I have another month of work for ATA (formerly CBF) which means life is still going to be insanely busy for awhile. I have not had a day off in...I have no idea. I worked a health fair Saturday morning for ATA and then covered events Sat. and Sunday afternoon for the local paper. I was sort of sad to have missed Flatlandia's race. Christopher is enthralled in SpongeBob at the moment so I thought I'd take a minute to finally update this blog.
Tom switched the handle bars on my road bike to Salsa Poco's. I love those bars. I picked up another pair (with my wonderful ATA discount) for my cross bike as well as some cool-colored grip tape for the cross bike. I keep checking chicrosscup.com and WCA to see if they have the cross schedules up yet.
I did make it out about a week ago for a mountainbike ride. Only my second of the year. I rode from home, taking part of the multi-track loop at Swallow Cliff so I only got to do the Canal Trail but it was so nice to be on dirt again. I saw lots of people that day including Ben leading a huge group.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

People are complete idiots. Two of the candidates were a man who was a teacher and then a principal for the district who is now retired and a superintendent for a different district who is retiring in June. Both seem like very intelligent guys and I think it's great they are willing to give up their time to serve on the school board (you don't get any type of pay or stipend to be a board member). I'm sure you know where I'm going with this --neither received enough votes. This woman who seems to be a complete idiot was the top vote getter. Flipping channels, we came across the meet the candidates thing on the cable access channel. Seriously, she is an utter imbecile. I'm just totally disgusted right now.
Things are still insanely busy. I'm making lots of phone calls to tell people about a class LIB is doing and still doing 15 hours a week for the other bike group besides covering meetings here and there for the local paper. I really, really need a spring break. Unfortunately, being self-employed means no spring breaks or vacation days. It'll get much easier after June 1 -- I keep telling myself.
I just did a tentative race schedule and it's depressing that it seems to have mainly road stuff on it. I'd much rather be racing in dirt but the road races are a lot closer and neither Tom or I can see Christopher handling the long trek to WORS races or Christopher actually letting me warm up. Who knows, maybe all this roadie stuff might actually make me faster. = )
I'll be doing a Fix a Flat workshop at My Bike in Tinley Park on Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m. if anyone is bored. No throwing things though. = )
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