As I was racing, I looked up and thought cool, a banana hand-up. Then, I looked closer and realized someone was trying to handup a banana peel. Bummin'
I remembered this course from last year thinking it had a lot of climbing, a few technical aspects but not much for the two-mile course. The course was mostly the same as last year meaning I was going to just try not to be DFL. Soon into the race I realized I was beating two girls including Lara from Mox. I've begun quite a few races in front of her only for her to pass me after the first lap so I kept going as hard as possible and checking to see where she was whenever the course allowed. I managed to hold her off! 7th out of 9. I was pretty proud of myself considering the course does not suit my strengths and wondered how the heck I was going to survive the 4A's (the 4B's were originally full).
I didn't get to the start line as quick as usual as Jason had promised me a call up. But, he forgot so I ended up about third row very close to a guy on a mountainbike who said he had not been on a bike since he was five, didn't know how to shift and hadn't prerode the course. So, I tried like hell to get away from him. My legs felt like lead to start with but got a little better as the race went on. Riding through the circle-thingy, I got too close to the post where you switch directions and locked my handlebars with it. I didn't have a problem in the girls race but, of course, there were only 9 girls as opposed to 72 starters in the 4A race. Oops. I was 55 out of 66 finishers. Not great/Not horrible.
I had lots of fun talking with everyone. Christopher would have loved the parks but we kept him home since he has a cold. I can't believe there is just Jingle Cross and Montrose. I'm going to totally go into withdrawal.